18 November 2016

Rainy days

The lovely autumn has left today.
Today here is his angry twin.
Fat clouds hang down to the town, and rain
Coats the windows with silky skin.

I hold my umbrella so strongly.
In stormy wind I learn to fly.
At last, I let it try without me.
I watch its dance in gloomy sky.

Esős napok

A kedves ősz elbúcsúzott.
Mogorva öccse maradt csak itt.
Az ablakon eső kopog.
Az égbolt leér a házakig.

Ernyőm nyelét szorongatom.
Szállni próbál velem a szélben.
Repüljön hát, végül hagyom…
Bolond táncát ámulva nézem.


  1. Such special images today, dear Edit! I don't know which one I love more, the first one with the fascinating trees and raindrops or the last one with the pretty, little umbrella. ♥ The poem is lovely too. I enjoy stormy winds very much and your poem paints a beautiful image of a windy and rainy autumn day.
    You seem to have mountains where you live. Lucky you! :)
    Have a happy weekend!
