23 January 2020

Winter garden party

Some only come for the food,
Some for the fun, for the dudes.
Some hurry, some arrive late,
Some pop in, but can not wait.

Some pose to look cute or nice,
Some don't mind, don't care about
What they show their tail or head,
Some give an angry look back.

Téli kerti parti

Van, aki az étel miatt jön,
Van, aki a társaság miatt.
Van, aki késve érkezik,
És van, aki végül nem marad.

Van, aki jól akar mutatni,
Van, aki nem törődik vele,
Hogy a fotós majd az arcát,
Vagy épp a hátsóját kapja le.

Van, aki sértődötten elszáll,
Van, aki kíváncsi és merész.
Van, aki észre sem veszi,
S van, aki dühösen visszanéz.

Skywatch Friday
dVerse Poets Pub


  1. What a lovely winter garden party:) Am curious: what does the title on top mean (hangolatlanul)?

    1. Thank you, dear Jesh! :)
      "Hangolatlanul" is a wordplay, some fun with word creation, it is not a real word. The hungarian language changes the meaning and type of words by using suffixes (and sometimes prefixes). "Hangol" means "to tune", while "hangolatlan" means "untuned". The word "hangolatlanul" could mean "in an untuned way", but if I wanted to keep the playfulness, I would probably say it can be translated as "tunedlessly" or "untunedly" :-). In hungarian, the word "untuned" can mean more than one thing. I like to think of it here as "not perfectly engineered" so that it is just for entertainment and fun, and not something to be taken too seriously. :-)

  2. Fabulous words and photos- thanks for joining us tonight!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Linda! I always enjoy visiting your pub. :-)

  3. Perfect title and just-so on the poem. I don't recognize at least a few of those birds. One looks like a chickadee but not quite.

    1. Thank you very much, dear Jade! These birds are frequent guests in our garden, so I've already learnt their name. :-)
      The birds in the photos:
      1. Long-tailed tit 2. Blue tit 3. Great tit 4. Tree sparrow 5-6. Jay 7. Robin 9. Greenfinch 10. Blackbirds

  4. I love the wonderful little party in your garden.

  5. And some glare at the cat just inside the window glaring back. :) Love this as you've captured the birds in both photo and words.

  6. We've both been birdwatching this week, Edit, and I love your observations. I've seen that angry look back!

    1. Thank you, dear Kim! I loved your "birdwatching poem". :-) 🐦🐦🐦

  7. LOL at the angry one! Beautiful photos and poem.

  8. I love bird parties and bird poetry. All cute but the "angry bird" (reminds me of the popular "angry bluebird") is the best.

  9. Adorable photos of the little birds!
    My Sky

  10. Oh gosh these photos are so adorable!!💝💝 Love the poem too!!

  11. Nice description of those birds at the bird-feeder. Or people at a party.

    1. Thank you, Frank! Yes, I was thinking both of them. :-)

  12. What a great party to have! The pics are wonderful.

  13. Your garden party guests all look beautiful to me! Thank you for sharing them with us. (I’m sure they all loved the banquet you served.)

  14. Oh goodness, Edit, what cute visitors! Wonderful photos. 😍
    I was going to ask if the first bird is a long-tailed tit, but I notice you have already answered to that question. (I dream of seeing a long-tailed tit...)
    It was also very interesting to read about the name of your blog. I too have been wondering what it means. :)
    Big hugs!
    PS How did you know it's Runeberg's Day today?!!

    1. Thank you very much, dearest Sara! When I saw Runeberg's book in your post, I remembered that you wrote about Runeberg's Day (and Runeberg's torte :-)), but I didn't remember when you celebrate it, so I asked Google. :-)
      Have a lovely day! Big hugs! 💕

    2. Extremely well remembered! :)
      Have a lovely week ahead! 🤗

    3. 😊 Have a lovely week, Sara!
