31 August 2018

Face in the mirror

staring mirror
an unknown face
unknown wrinkles
an unknown race

years have crusted
around my eyes
sculptures of the
edge of my mouth

my every fault's
become a stone
this lonely house
is now my home

staring myself
tired and scared
faded shadow
there's nothing else


tükör a falon
egy idegen arc
idegen ráncok
egy idegen harc

szememben lassan
gyűltek az évek
szobrásza lett mind
szám szegletének

hibáim szótlan
kövekké váltak
belaktam rég a
magányos házat

önmagam tükre
riadt szánalom
nincs semmi más csak
egy árny a falon

Festetics Palace, Dég

The photos were taken years ago. The palace is currently under reconstruction,
but its amazing park is visitable.
I'll share some photos of the park next time... :-)


  1. Beautiful ceiling, but...OH, the eyes!

  2. beautiful poem dear Edit!

    time runs like ruthless horse and leaves the mark of his steps on our face
    each wrinkle tells the story of our faults and achievements

    1. Thank you very much, my dear friend! ♥

  3. loved the photos ,i would love to see more my friend!

    1. Thank you, dear Baili! I hope you will like the next ones too. :-)
